Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Email from 8/7/2015

Top O’ the mornin’ to you all!
God bless George Catlin, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt & all those responsible for the National Park System that we have today!  We all tend to dwell on the everyday pork barrel politics and Congress’s propensity to buy tanks the army doesn’t want and fight wars in regions they don’t understand, but every once in a while Congress gets something right.  I know it’s been a while, but it happens... (Did anyone catch the republican debates on Thursday?  It may be a while still before it happens again!)  Wednesday, Maureen, Liam and I drove out to Sliding Rock in the Pisgah National Forest.  On the drive out we passed numerous picnic areas, trail heads, pull-offs for waterfalls, horse trails and other natural recreational opportunities along the riverbank that the road followed.  With minor exceptions, all of this is open and free to the public.  We did have to pay a nominal fee to get into the Sliding Rock parking lot.  Sliding Rock is so popular that the park service monitors the parking lot and only lets in cars when parking becomes available.  It was all very orderly and with families coming and going all the time there always seems to be parking opening up.  The park service warns that you should wear older shorts or swim trunks.  It is a natural rock formation and I imagine too many trips down the slide could lead to some embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions!  It started raining while we were there but young and old, no one seemed to notice.  Actually the water was between 50 & 60 degrees so I think the rain warmed things up a bit.

On the way back we stopped at Looking Glass Falls.  Looking Glass Falls is just a pull-off on the side of the road.  It was almost as popular as Sliding Rock.  And all of this is on just one road off the main highway.  And then there is the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Appalachian Trail, the Biltmore Estate, and on and on and on....  And you are all invited to come stay with us and experience all of this once we are settled, just not all at once!
Sunday, kayaking on the French Broad River weather permitting.  We’re watering the lawn as I type. 
I hate house painting!  If it’s possible, I hate house painting more than Keith hates helping people move.  When we had a 30 day escrow (it has been extended at the request of the sellers thank goodness) we would have had the house for just short of a month before our stuff was scheduled to be delivered.  Maureen’s grand plan was to buy a nice sprayer and “we” (all of you husbands out there know what “we” means, don’t we?) would paint the interior of the house ourselves.  Saved by the escrow extension!  Now we will have barely 10 days and it will be a challenge to get everything scheduled, coordinated and done even hiring professionals.  Aside from buying the house, hiring a painter might be the single most expensive thing we do, and as far as I’m concerned, it’s cheap at twice the price.
Almost as bad as painting is trying to pick the colors.  I guess my biggest challenge is that I tend to look at the problem or choices in front of me and make a decision, and then I move on.  In my 35 years in the work force, I figure about 25 years of that was as a supervisor/manager or above.  And that’s what managers do, they make decisions.  Maureen brought home what amounts to a small binder with color choice tabs from Sherman Williams.  Each tab has seven shades of a color and the binder assembly holding the tabs is over 2” thick.  I measured it!  In addition to that she has pamphlets and color samples from Home Depot, Lowes, and Ace Hardware for Pete’s sake!  How can you make a simple choice when you have a thousand different samples to choose from?  I know you are thinking that there can’t be a thousand different colors out there, right?  Maureen is holding up two color choice tabs, one with a brown based shade of gray and one with a black based shade of gray, and she wants me to help her choose one.  They’re both GRAY!!!  I’m having trouble convincing her that if I have two choices and I can’t tell the difference between them, either one is perfect.  I believe she’d have more luck getting me to help her pick out a color for the accent wall that would bring out the hazel in my eyes, and my eyes aren’t hazel.  And do you have any idea how many shades of white there are?  Oh my goodness, it’s WHITE!!!  If that’s not bad enough, Maureen tried to get Liam to come with us to meet the painter Thursday and help pick out the paint colors for his room.  Ok...we’re taking him to college this coming Tuesday and he will be living on campus.  It’s entirely possible that one of you reading this email will be spending more time in his room this year than he will.  And if you think I could care less about paint colors, try involving an 18 year old teenage boy.  If it’s not digitally interactive you’ll be lucky if he takes his eyes off his computer game long enough to notice what you’re wasting your time talking to him about.  And that’s not the half of it.....
We’re also working on picking out furniture.  Once we settled on a house and got into escrow the search for just the right paint and furniture began in earnest.  We have done a great deal of shopping locally.  We also have a trip planned to meet friends in Hickory this weekend to compare prices and quality for our selections before we make our final purchases.  Maureen keeps waffling between two beds with nice wood headboards for the master bedroom.  I’m happy with her initial choice, and maybe it’s just me, but in a 24 hour day I might spend 8 hours in the bedroom with all but about 15 minutes of that 8 hours with my eyes closed.  As long as the mattress is comfortable, I’m good!  All of the guys are reading that last sentence and nodding their heads because they know exactly what I’m talking about.  All of the women are shaking their heads because they know exactly how frustrating trying to get me more involved must be for Maureen.  She desperately wants to include me in the process and I figure I’m bringing my wallet with the credit cards, how much more involved do I need to be?  And again, the guys are nodding and the women shaking their heads!  I’m surviving on the knowledge that this too will be over before too long and Maureen and I will be snug in our new abode with all of her paint colors and furniture around us and we can get on with our “Happy Ever After.”  I’m not sure what’s keeping her going?  Maureen might even be enjoying this part of the process although that seems just bizarre to me.  And again, the guys are nodding and the women shaking their heads!
Today is the last day of our “Due Diligence Period.”  North Carolina is a “Buyer Beware” state when it comes to real estate purchases.  The seller is not required to disclose any defects, omissions, discrepancies, etc....  There are disclosure forms that must be signed however sellers are allowed to check a box titled “No Representation” meaning either “I don’t know” or “I’m not going to say.”  You would think that real estate transactions are completely in favor of the sellers, right?  Not so much....  Once an offer is accepted, buyers have 21 days, the “Due Diligence Period”, to investigate, inspect, research, and otherwise pick apart the home looking for any potential problems.  During this 21 days the sellers have to allow whatever access is necessary for the buyers to satisfy themselves.  And here is the part that works in the buyer’s favor.  During the “Due Diligence Period” a buyer can back out of the contract for “ANY REASON” or no reason at all and get back any substantial deposit made.  If Maureen and I decided that we found a house we liked better, we can get out of this contract until the end of business today.  Of course that’s not going to happen because we love this house (see my rose colored glasses references in last week’s email).  And the sellers have been very open about the house and great about allowing us access.  We’ve had a couple of inspections but most of our visits have been to work with contractors and painters.  And we “split the baby” on the punch list that our home inspector generated.  So all in all I feel it’s been a good deal for both of us.  The seller is an insulation contractor who built the house to live in himself so he’s very proud of the house and has been very happy to speak with us about the house.  The house has all of those nice little added features and upgrades that contractors do for themselves but they make the rest of us pay for.  And the house is insulated so well that I could add a couple of condensers and turn it into a meat packing plant if I wanted. 
Oh, by the way, I got a job!  Do you have any idea how easy it is to get a job when you are willing to work for free?  I find myself stuck in the experience conundrum.  You know, you can’t get a job without experience and you can’t get experience without a job!  Now you’re thinking “he’s 54 years old and has retired at least 3 times, why doesn’t he have any experience?”  Well the part time job I was shooting for was coaching high school or middle school soccer.  While I have a bit of youth soccer coaching experience and a resume full of certifications, this is the big leagues.  And if you don’t know how seriously high schools take their sports programs you haven’t had a child in high school for a while.  Anyway, if I can just get past one more background check I’ll be North Buncombe (yes I spelled that correctly) High School’s newest (volunteer) Boys Assistant Soccer Coach.  The school has not named their girls team’s coaches yet (the women’s soccer programs are in the spring out here).  Who knows, by the spring I may have a paid position?  And as a bonus, North Buncombe High School is literally just over the hill from the house we are purchasing.  I can walk to work.  Of course I’ll be covered with poison ivy by the time I get through the woods to the school.....every day.....but I could walk if I wanted too!
Well it’s time for me to get on with my day and I hope this has helped to brighten yours!  As always, you are all in our thoughts and we are wishing that things are going as well for each of you as it is for us.
Until next time...
PS  That guy from the credit union that called me last week came through with the statement I needed!

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