Thursday, May 14, 2020

Poison Ivy - Song by the Coasters (1963)

So why do I have this old Coasters song for you to reminisce with?  I needed a clever lead in to this edition of the Brooks Family Blog!

That's right, I'm currently covered from wrist to elbow with; you guessed it, Poison Ivy!

For those of you who have visited and received a personal tour of my modest acre and a third, I may have pointed out that a good third of the property is wooded and covered with brush.  I also most likely pondered about clearing the underbrush from the narrow east and south strips to the property lines.  There is just too much jungle on the west side to even consider clearing over there.  I don't have any great before pictures:
Lots of underbrush, downed logs, trash left behind by the previous owner, including old tires, building materials, old shooting targets, etc... you get the idea.

When we first moved here the first thing I did was haul off the biggest junk, the old tires and a couple of full size archery targets, a Styrofoam deer and turkey.  Just recently, my neighbor on the east side decided to hire a crew to completely clear his back and side properties, including our adjacent property line, of all the undergrowth.  His crew actually came across the property line and did about 90% of my work for me, at least on that side.  So with that to motivate me, Liam and I got after the last 10%.

At different times in my youth I've had bouts with poison ivy.  Not all that different from my battles with yellow jackets.  I've mentioned my yellow jacket encounters a couple of times.  Since we've moved here I've had multiple stings from yellow jacket swarms three times.  As I've worked around the yard, occasionally I'll pick up a spot or two of poison ivy, not really even a rash.  This time however, one of the things I'm tackling head on is the poison ivy.  What does poison ivy look like?  This meme appeared on my Facebook page recently:
It seems I have this proposed "TP" substitute on about a third of my trees.  I've been chopping sections out of the vines at the bottom hoping to kill it all over time.  I'm trying to use rakes and shovels so I don't handle the vines at all but apparently it only has to brush you to transfer the oil.  I've been washing my hands up to my elbows after every work session.  Of course, the first little bit of rash started just above my wash line.  So what does a poison ivy rash look like?
It's not too bad but yes, it itches.  It usually takes a week or so to run it's course.  I'm sure I have at least the better part of a week to go, arrrrg!

Anyway, here's what my side and back property lines look like now.
East Property Line between the houses.

Rear Property Line
I still need to hit them both with the mower and spread some shade tolerant grass seed but at least all the trash and building materials are gone.  I found enough joist hangers to build a new deck.

That's all for now, at least until I find something more interesting to write about!

Take care and stay safe!


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