Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!!!

I know I said I would be out of commission for a while but as it turns out at least one body in each household has the cold or flu in Ohio so we didn't make that trip.  Instead Maureen, Liam and I had a nice night out on New Year's Eve at our favorite restaurant in Weaverville, the Twisted Laurel.  Liam even talked to us about something other than his video game prowess.  It was very enjoyable to be able to sit and talk with him.  Every once in a while we see signs of maturing but it's way early to conclude that it might be a permanent change.  We arrived home in time for our traditional beating of the pots and pans at midnight.  Maureen and I were contemplating what our neighbors were thinking of the new family on the street and all the racket we were making.  We borrowed that tradition from the current neighbors when we moved onto Citron Street.  Maybe we'll be trend setters and start this as a new tradition here in our new neighborhood.  Uncle John's watch is two minutes fast.  He almost made us miss the midnight hour when he called early to wish us a "Happy New Year."  We had to hang up on him and then call back after the whole pots and pans routine.

I hate painting!  But if you've been with me since my late November update you knew that already.  I will do almost anything to avoid painting.  It brings to mind the man who went to his doctor and said; "Doctor, my shoulder hurts a great deal every time I raise my hand over my head."  The doctor's reply; Then stop raising your hand over your head!"  That's how I feel about painting.  It hurts so I don't do it.  Our neighbors Stella and Chris were telling us about their progress painting the interior of their house.  Chris is working around the house one room at a time on his days off.  So I start into my stand-up routine with all of my one-liners about how badly I hate painting and Chris says to me; "I don't like to paint either, I just like the way everything looks when I'm done."  I hate to admit that was the motivation I needed but I just spent the last three days painting my shop.  I'm having to accomplish the job in stages because of all the shop tools, boxes, etc... I've yet to put away; because I haven't built my cabinets; because I haven't painted my shop.  It seems to be a cause and effect thing.  Anyway, here are a couple of progress before and after pictures.

All I have left is the ceiling over the garage door and truck parking space and the little bit of wall in the picture plus the wall just around the garage door.  I'm making great progress, the end is in sight, and it does look 100% better.  I feel good about what I've accomplished.  I think I'll stop looking at painting as avoiding moving a body part that's injured and start treating it like exercise.  I mean, no one really wants to exercise but we do because it feels so good when we stop!  Yeah, that's me and painting!

For Christmas I got a "Hitch Mounted Truck Bed Extender."  I love my truck but I wish I had known about this handy little device back in 2002 when I bought my truck.  The double cab is great but the resultant five foot bed is limiting at best.  I can't even begin to describe some of the jury-rigging I've had to do over the last fourteen years to carry stuff that was wider than the wheel wells and extended beyond my short bed.  I'm sharing this because if you have a short bed truck you need one of these.
I imagine this would be just as useful with a mini-van, jeep, or other cargo challenged vehicle with a two inch tube hitch mount.  I can hardly wait to get my materials to start my shop cabinets.  Full 4x8 sheets of plywood will no longer be a challenge to load and tie down.

That's all for now but to all of our friends, I'll leave you with this Irish New Year's blessing:

"In this New Year, may the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past!"

Happy New Year!!!

Your friends,

Rick, Maureen & Liam


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