Thursday, March 7, 2024

Our Whirl Wind Tour of Spain & France

First, this post is much later than I would have liked. A couple days after we returned from Europe, I acquired what I thought was a head cold, which turned out to be a sinus and ear infection, and have been off my A-Game for more than a week. Thanks to the discovery of penicillin, I'm back amongst the living and trying to get back into the swing of things.

I have a very good friend who, despite the fact that I'm on my fourth (soon to be fifth) US passport with several Visas and multiple entry stamps, and my second (soon to be third) Irish (EU) passport, gives me zero credit for ever having crossed my threshold on the way to exiting the United States with the intent of entering a foreign country. Well, Maureen and I just returned from a 20 day whirlwind tour of Spain and France. Actually, it wasn't all of Spain and France, details to follow. And at the risk of being accused of "Photoshopping" myself into a European vacation, and there is that possibility I might be accused of such a transgression based on past experience, I've included some pictures. You can also view Maureen's Facebook page (linked here) for a more complete photo history of our trip.

Now, on with the trip. We flew into Madrid with our good friend Scott flying the first officer seat, and were able to meet him and his flight crew for dinner that evening. Funny, until the day before the flight, neither of us knew the other was on the same flight. Maureen and I stayed the night at a great hotel. I was not confident that Maureen had not booked us into an albergue or hostel for which she has grown very fond. Thankfully, the hotel was quite nice. We arrived in Madrid early enough for our Pueblo Ingles orientation (more on that later) and entertained ourselves with a Free Walking Tour of Madrid. The free walking tours are always fascinating. Basically the tour guides work for tips. The first free walking tour we ever did was in Edinburgh, Scotland a few years back (pre-covid). I don't know if anything the Edinburgh guide told us was true but he was hilarious! Maureen and I have tried to make time for the walking tour in each city we've visited since. The tour in Madrid was great, and we had walked a bit of the city prior to the tour. Our next stop, La Alberca, Spain.

Our real adventure started the following day when we loaded onto a bus for La Alberca, Spain and the wonderful Hotel Abadia De Los Templarios Resort. On the bus were most of the native English speaking volunteers and Spanish speaking English students. Oh, did I mention, Maureen and I volunteered to help Europeans trying to learn or improve their English though an immersion program run by Pueblo Ingles. We paid for our own travel and incidentals but were provided a room and meals for our time and efforts.

So, each of us volunteers paired up with a student for the ride and off we went. We spent the 4 hour drive getting to know some of the students who were mostly young adults, professionals, sent by their companies to improve their English. When we arrived at the resort, Maureen and I were put up in a nice two bedroom villa, one student upstairs and us downstairs. It was much nicer than a hostel, however we did have two single beds in the room and Maureen had me washing my "unmentionables" in the sink for a week. That was just another day traveling for the veteran Camino pilgrim, Maureen. I personally wasn't crazy about that arrangement but I survived. The Pueblo Ingles immersion program is very intense, 11 hour days (9:00 AM to 10:00 PM, minus 2 hours mid-day for a siesta). 9:00 AM breakfast, 2:00 PM midday meal, and 9:00 PM dinner, and all meals were mandatory (as part of the socialization). So, we earned our keep.

Maureen and I like to travel for very different reasons. I describe her travels (inaccurately I'm sure) as a quest to discover all of the ABCs. Another Beautiful Cathedral or Another Beautiful Castle. I much prefer to travel to visit family and/or friends. And as it happens, we have family and friends all over the world; Brazil, Argentina, Ireland, France, Thailand, Taiwan, and Canada, just to name the countries off the top of my head. Maureen and I have had a number of exchange students from around the world over the years that still think of us as "mom and dad." And I have an exchange student "sister" from Brazil, currently living in France, and her daughter, our "niece" still living in Brazil. That sort of family! This part of our trip with Pueblo Ingles worked for both of us.

Our group was very small, six students and 8 volunteers. I understand that 20 to 50 students and an equal number of volunteers is more typical, but we were at the resort in the off season, early February. The program is very structured. There are one-to-one student/volunteer sessions. Group discussions with 4-6 group members, half volunteers, half students. Mock phone and conference calls and individual presentations by both the students and volunteers. And last, but not least, theater (small skits prompted by Lord Samuel, our program director). Because the group was so small, and because the volunteers outnumbered the students, it was impossible not to learn a great deal about each other's families, dreams, likes and dislikes. So you can imagine, there was a bit of bonding going around. We arrived as strangers but left as friends and family. So now I have several more "Friends and Family" to travel to visit in the future, and I'm being encouraged to hit Duo Lingo and polish up my (actually learn more than 19 words of) Spanish so I can do just that.

Mock news cast made by my group! (Watch to the end for outtakes).

After our week with our new friends, we were back in Madrid for a day.

Maureen and I were up early that Saturday morning in Madrid, and after a relaxing two and a half hour train ride, we arrived in sunny Barcelona, the high speed train averaged 297kmh (roughly 185mph). Maureen and I jumped off and headed to our apartment, which was another good find by my personal travel ninja, Maureen (primarily because it had a clothes washer, but no dryer). The apartment was a little less than an hours walk from the train station, and so with everything on our backs, we hoofed it across town.

Did I mention we walked everywhere? If it was within reason and we had no connections or appointments to make, we walked. Just in the 4 days we spent in Barcelona (as I'm writing my notes for this blog), I've walked more than 77,000 steps, which roughly works out to 40 miles+, averaging about 10 miles per day. And that included about 1/4 of my Saturday spent on a train. Also, as a side note, Maureen bought backpacks for her and I (I got mine for Christmas) to use on this trip. The packs were small enough to take on planes as carry-ons, which turned out to be a great idea. However, because of their compact size, what we could carry for a three week trip was extremely limited. And that's all well and fine until you consider that we traveled in February, which means we had to be prepared for cold and rainy weather, which meant we needed some bulky winter items. I'm just grousing, we managed just fine, and it was good experience for planning our next trip.

During our week in Barcelona, Maureen and I took a free walking tour (of course) of the Gothic Quarter, which turns out NOT to be Gothic; and, took tours (not free) of Park Guell, Casa Batillo, and the Sagrada Familia, Antoni Gaudi Projects. The Sagrada Familia, which started construction in 1882, has yet to be completed. However, they do have an anticipated completion date of 2033. Everything Gaudi designed used constructs of nature and had loads of religious symbolism. So I believe that even if they could finish before 2033, they will not, because Jesus lived to be 33 years old, and that's just the sort of thing Gaudi would do!

Thursday, we were up early for our 5 hour bus ride to Carcassonne, France. The main attraction is the fortified castle that is the Medieval City of Carcassonne and a couple of medieval cathedrals (ABCs). There is also a medieval canal that is part of a network that traverses France from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. Our apartment in Carcassonne was the best yet, at least after we figured out how to get the hot water going. This apartment had a washer and dryer!

A little disappointing, but due to our off-season travel, there were no Unofficial Walking Tours offered in Carcassonne. Not to be denied, Maureen and I did avail ourselves of the paid self-guided tour of the castle and ramparts. We also stumbled upon Saint Michaels of Carcassonne, built in the 13th century. Maureen and I spent our couple of remaining days walking the city, medieval and new, and strolling along the canal. We managed to locate a favorite coffee shop that was always open when we needed an espresso and danish. Seems Maureen forgot from her extensive travels in Europe that absolutely nothing is open on a Sunday morning, except our coffee shop of course.

With our trip nearing it's end, all that was left was the travel home. Of course that didn't mean the adventure was over. On Monday, we got up, packed and had a leisurely coffee and breakfast and just had to kill some time until our 1:30 bus from Carcassonne to Barcelona. Just one problem. We had been traveling on a 24:00 hour clock since we arrived in Europe. It didn't occur to either of us that our tickets for 1:30 meant 01:30 AM. Which meant, Maureen and I were standing on the side of the road wondering why; 1. we were the only two there, and 2. why there was no bus? After a brief discussion with the bus driver headed in the opposite direction, we discovered our error. We did manage to secure new bus passes for that evening and still managed to get into Barcelona that day, but not without a little anxiety to liven things up! After all that our flight out of Barcelona was delayed 3 hours impacting our connecting flights all the way back to Asheville. We did a little finagling and managed to get home a couple hours earlier than we would have otherwise.

Soooo.... After a missed cross country bus out of Carcassonne, France, a three hour delay on our flight out of Barcelona, Spain to NY that ultimately resulted in us rerouting through Miami, a missed opportunity to stand-by for an earlier flight to Charlotte, but a successful stand-by in Charlotte that got us to Asheville after 22 hours of travel (instead of 24 hours), we arrived back to our home the same day (barely) we started our return trip.

Now Maureen and I are safely back home relaxing in our den with Buddy curled up between us. And of course, Maureen is in the planning stage for her next walking trip (Camino) trying to figure out how to convince me to meet her in Italy this fall (good luck with that!). I think I might just get back into my Duo Lingo app, brush up on my Spanish, and make a return visit to see my new friends in Spain. Maureen can meet me in Madrid.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Boy Was I Off By A Mile! (+ Title/Description Change And Catch Up)!

First the title and description change. Before my blog there were emails. And the purpose of the emails and this subsequent blog was to share with our friends en masse our family's transition and experiences in a new place, environment, and culture. Well, if we've not transitioned by now I doubt it would happen. As it turns out, we love it here. We love the seasons, the entertainment opportunities, the outdoor recreation, everything. The population of Corona is more than 50% larger than Asheville (159k vs 94k), yet Asheville has theater, music venues and great music in the pubs almost every night (almost a smaller Nashville), hundreds of hiking trails, many local and unique restaurants, and a real airport on a hill that doesn't flood. And while we truly miss our friends left behind, we have made new special friends in our new hometown. And so we are "Happily Imbedded In Western North Carolina" and you can expect future postings to be more like episodes of Seinfeld (a show about nothing)! Now for the title story:

Boy was I off by a mile!
This is me doing a little yard "clean-up". Our home sits on an acre and a third, about half of which I maintain with the remainder a natural wooded area. This picture is the potential firewood I've collected from just the area I maintain and the immediate perimeter. And this isn't all of it. I have an existing woodpile in the back that I started when we moved here for our outdoor fire ring. While working with my log splitter I discovered that termites had infested my existing stockpile. My Terminix guy suggested that I just get it off the ground. I have my little woodshop so, no problem. I measure my current woodpile, do a little mental calculations and off to Lowes. A load of pressure treated 2x(s) and a bit of "design build" later:

My woodpile was roughly 2 1/2'h x 8'w, so I made my firewood crib about 50% larger (4'h x 8'w). That should be plenty for what I had cut and collected this go around. Little did I know... My 32 square foot crib ended up being about half what I needed. I filled it up, base to brim, and still piles of all sizes laying in my yard and on my woodpile. We had a big "Snow Event" predicted for overnight so my quick and dirty solution to get the remaining wood off the ground:

After filling up my auxiliary wood crib I still had limbs and miscellaneous bits of wood on the ground. I'm fairly confident that what remains is destined to be dragged into the surrounding woods and left for the termites. Funny, I never had this much trouble cleaning up my yard in Corona.

And Now, A Little Catch Up!
My last post was October 7, 2020, my 60th birthday. Quite a bit has happened since then. Covid was well underway with the initial vaccines still months away. I shared everything I had done, built, arranged, for our family to entertain themselves for the months, which turned into a couple of years, of isolation ahead of us. Almost three years and four vaccinations later I finally caught up with "the Covid" (or rather it caught up with me). Liam brought it home from some of his friends and I stayed away from him (but wouldn't wear a mask in my own home) and caught it anyway. Maureen wore her mask in the house and slept in the guest room, and so she has yet to have the pleasure. Liam had a headache for the first two days and a fever the first day but that was the worst of it. I had a runny nose and that was about all.  Liam was OK in about a week and a half but I continued to test positive for about 3 1/3 weeks.  What a pain!  Next time someone in the house is sick I'll wear the mask.
My main Covid project during the winter of 2019/2020 was a trailered camp kitchen/chuckwagon that we eventually used with our new Smittybilt rooftop tent. If you're interested here is a link to my original trailer build share album. For my 61st birthday Maureen helped me check off a bucket list item by taking me to a Packers home game at Lambeau Field. We attended a tailgate party, the game, had a stadium tour, and Hall of Fame tour. Maureen and I camped our way up to Wisconsin, and then after our "Packers" experience headed up to Mackinac City and Island and camped our way back through Ohio and back to NC. Although Maureen had never camped before she took to it like a fish in the water. Maureen's only critique was that "it would be nicer if the tent were on the trailer" which would make it easier to use the truck after we'd set up camp. Which resulted in my 2021/2022 winter (more like a 2022 spring) project, Rooftop Tent Trailer 2.0:
This is the link for my Version 2.0 Trailer Share Album. Version 2.0 made a trip up through Ohio, down through Sioux City Iowa, back through Oklahoma to visit friends, through Nashville and home. Maureen and I also attended a three day Rooftop Tent Rally in Virginia last fall.

Other adventures, Maureen, late last year, spent two months circumnavigating eastern Europe and down through France and Italy with one of her friends. And more recently, 10 days in Germany with a couple more friends. I've been bowling frequently with my friends. My last blog entry I shared I had a 213, one pin shy of my personal best. Since then I've had many 200+ outings and my new personal best...?
I've also been practicing my golf out back as weather permits but I don't get to play much. Only 9 holes occasionally with friends at the local muni. There aren't really any good courses available in my area, I guess the downside of living on the side of a mountain.

I think Maureen and I will be getting out with the tent and trailer a little more this spring and summer. So far we have reservations for a week at Hunting Island State Park in March and we're discussing some longer ventures up to the northeast and maybe even Canada this year.

It's been so long since my last update I'm sure there is more I could share but I think I'll save that for another time. Until then... Best to all y'all!


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Thank You For All The Great Birthday Wishes!!! So How Does It Feel To Turn 60?

First I'd like to thank everyone for the texts and FB posts wishing me well on my Birthday!  I cherish all my friends and wish I could visit with more of you more often.

So how does it feel to turn 60?  I wish I had a good answer for everyone.  If I had to choose one thing I've noticed, and this has not been an overnight thing, I'd have to say it's that I don't heal like I used to.  The little nagging injuries that are not really that big of a deal but just don't seem to go away, at least not in a timely manner.

It hasn't been that long ago I was running with teenagers, high schoolers and young adults as a soccer referee.  Something I've been doing for years more than and (I hope) better than many younger than I.  I know I've lost a step or two but I'm still out stepping which is a good thing.  My racquetball career pretty much ended with Covid.  No surprises there.  And to be honest, I'm losing interest in some of the more strenuous activities I've enjoyed in the past.  I'm still walking 18 at the local municipal golf course fairly regularly.  And don't forget I live on the side of a mountain which makes that a bit more challenging.  My local social bowling group is starting to take a few small group trips to the alley. I bowled a 232 yesterday.  And, I'm still cutting my own lawn, about 3/4 of an acre with a push mower.

So how was my birthday?  Maureen always works hard to make sure "Our Day" is what we would like it to be.  Our friends Joe and Marilyn took Maureen and I to the indoor range in Hendersonville for a bit of recreational shooting.  Maureen capped it off with a great dinner and a bit of carrot cake, my favorite.

For those of you still with me, the Packers' Jersey was one of my birthday gifts.  Everyone knows I'm a big Packers fan, but not many of you know why.  And with all the great Packers players over the years there is a reason I wanted the Bart Starr jersey.

I believe it was Christmas, 1967, the Packers were on their way to their second Super Bowl win and I had just turned 7.  My dad wasn't a big sports fan and I don't remember watching any football on TV.  However, when 7 year old "Ricky" (my name growing up, and still to some in my family) opened his presents Christmas day there was a boxed Green Bay Packers uniform set, including shoulder pads and helmet.  And I'm certain that my jersey guessed it, number 15, Bart Starr.  And for no other reason, I'm a Packers fan to this day!
And last, many of you know that I purchased a 2019 Tacoma to replace my 2002 Tacoma.  Maureen has been helping me trick it out and it looks great.  I purchased that truck knowing there was a recall on the fuel pump (the reason I was able to get a deal).  I've been waiting patiently for the replacement part until this week.  I couldn't get any updated information so I started to make a little noise.  And guess what, the squeaky wheel does get the grease.  I got a call today, my part was ordered, will be in tomorrow (Thursday), and my truck is already at the dealer waiting for the repair first thing in the morning.  It really has been a great day all around.  And, I'm still getting a party with many of my friends this coming Saturday!

So how does it feel to turn 60?  To be honest, the difference between how I felt day 364 of my 60th year and how I feel day 1 of my 61st year was completely unremarkable.  But having friends to share the day with and people who love and care for me.....That feels wonderful!

Thanks again for all the great birthday wishes and I hope the same for all of you!!!


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Working Around The House, Plus: What I Learned From My Uncle John (Spoiler; A Possible Reliable Covid Self-Test?)


So we've been sequestered pretty much since early March and during this time, aside from our normal yard work and just generally helping around the house, I've been fairly successful at avoiding new projects.  All that ended last month.

Maureen has talked about having a walking path around the one side of the house that is fairly level.  And It's a good idea especially now that we are having our guests meet us out back where we have room to physically distance in the yard or on our decks.  When it's wet out, and we're in a temperate rain forest area that gets 50 to 60 inches of rain each year so it's frequently wet out, it would be nice to have an all weather path to walk around the house.

At some point Maureen decided that she wanted to install the pavers herself, which of course was fine with me.  Liam and I have both tried to help until she shoos us away, but Maureen is making progress, a little each day.  I'm more of the mind of our Uncle John.  Uncle John (and we can all appreciate this) will help with any project; "as long as it can be done in one day!"  I recall a couple of projects where I needed the extra hands, knowledge and experience; once where a water heater failed, and once when I had about 40 feet of fence that blew down.  In both cases, Uncle John showed up, we did demo, purchased materials, and completed the jobs before the end of the day. When we replaced the fence, we even poured concrete footings for the posts that day and still had the job done the same day.

Here is Maureen's path.  She is planting two or three stones each day.  She should be done by the end of the week weather permitting.  The wood pole border along the house was Liam's and my job.  And yes, it was done in a day, actually in just a few hours.  I do have a confession.  The last section of pole, per one of my earlier Uncle John-isms, I measured twice...........but made a huge gaff.  I'm embarrassed to admit how far off I was.  I can't even back into how I made the mistake.  Needless to say, from now on I'll be measuring twice and double checking again before I make that cut!   

Maureen's July project was our new fire pit.

And again, Maureen insisted on doing the lion's share of the work.  I was hands on a bit but for the most part I did what I do best, I supervised.

I don't believe I've ever done any advertising before but there is a first for everything.  I was looking for a face shield but didn't like the options with the hinged head bands.  I tried to find a baseball cap with an attached shield but found that everything I looked at had a poor review.  Problems with attaching the shield and having the shield stay attached.  About that time an ad for Instashield popped up on my Facebook page. 

The shield is designed to attach easily to the bill of a baseball cap that you already have.  The shields are $3.00 each as opposed to $10-$20 per for other options.  If you are tired of wearing a mask even around friends and family that you are sure are being careful, this could be an option.  Or if you follow Dr. Fauci's advice, he's suggesting that to be more safe, we should all be wearing masks and face shields.

And Now, this installment of "What I Learned From My Uncle John!"**

While we're talking Covid, I was on the phone with our Uncle John this past week and he told me about a Covid self-test he'd heard about.  Two of the more common Covid symptoms is loss of smell and taste.  So for the test you get your favorite whiskey, bourbon, or scotch (I also imagine wine would work).  Pour your beverage of choice into a glass, and raise it to your nose and sniff.  If you can smell it you likely don't have Covid.   But to be sure, drink the contents of your glass.  If you can taste it then it's almost positive that you are not infected.  I'm investigating this method myself to test the validity.  I've self-tested six times today and so far my ability to smell and taste has been perfect...and I feel great.  I think I'll continue my test trials. (**Disclaimer: Not intended to be taken seriously!)  

I hope this finds everyone healthy and safe!  I'll leave you with a link to my drawings page.  I've done a couple of Disney water towers for a friend and they turned out OK.

Take care,


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

This Joke is an Oldie but a Goodie!

(Make sure you read through the joke!) 

If you don't think your vote is important think about where we are now. Politicians promising Universal Health Care and the protection of preexisting conditions and then working to dismantle the only public health care option we've ever had and specifically focusing on eliminating the protections for preexisting conditions. Promising tax cuts only to vote in a thinly veiled tax raise on what remains of the middle class to fund their corporate giveaways (think corporate socialism). Promising to "build a wall and have Mexico pay for it" only to try and plunder our military and homeland security budgets so that US tax payers pay for what amounts to an ineffective eyesore on the landscape and a weakening of our military and border protections. 

I think this old joke sums it up nicely: 

While walking down the street one day, a politician is tragically hit by a truck and dies. His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance who welcomes him. “Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem to address. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we’re not sure what to do with you.” “No problem, just let me in,” says the official. “Well, I’d like to but I have orders from higher up. What we’ll do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity.” “Really, I’ve made up my mind. I want to be in heaven,” says the politician. “I’m sorry, but we have our rules.” And with that, St. Peter escorts him to hell. 

The politician finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. He sees his friends and other politicians who had worked with him. Everyone is very happy and dressed in evening attire. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people. They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and champagne. Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly guy who has a good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that, before he realizes it, it is time to go. Everyone gives him a hearty farewell. Next, the politician goes over to the doors of heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him. “Now it’s time to visit heaven.” So, 24 hours pass with a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns. “Well then, you’ve spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now choose your eternity.” The politician reflects for a minute and then answers, “Well, I would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in hell.” So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell. 

Now the doors of the elevator open and he’s in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage. He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up trash and putting it in black bags. The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder. “I don’t understand,” stammers the politician. “Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and club, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now all is a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?” The devil looks at him, smiles and says, “Yesterday we were campaigning… Today you voted.” 

The moral of the story is "Beware of false campaign promises" and in November "Get out and vote for what you know is right!"

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Poison Ivy - Song by the Coasters (1963)

So why do I have this old Coasters song for you to reminisce with?  I needed a clever lead in to this edition of the Brooks Family Blog!

That's right, I'm currently covered from wrist to elbow with; you guessed it, Poison Ivy!

For those of you who have visited and received a personal tour of my modest acre and a third, I may have pointed out that a good third of the property is wooded and covered with brush.  I also most likely pondered about clearing the underbrush from the narrow east and south strips to the property lines.  There is just too much jungle on the west side to even consider clearing over there.  I don't have any great before pictures:
Lots of underbrush, downed logs, trash left behind by the previous owner, including old tires, building materials, old shooting targets, etc... you get the idea.

When we first moved here the first thing I did was haul off the biggest junk, the old tires and a couple of full size archery targets, a Styrofoam deer and turkey.  Just recently, my neighbor on the east side decided to hire a crew to completely clear his back and side properties, including our adjacent property line, of all the undergrowth.  His crew actually came across the property line and did about 90% of my work for me, at least on that side.  So with that to motivate me, Liam and I got after the last 10%.

At different times in my youth I've had bouts with poison ivy.  Not all that different from my battles with yellow jackets.  I've mentioned my yellow jacket encounters a couple of times.  Since we've moved here I've had multiple stings from yellow jacket swarms three times.  As I've worked around the yard, occasionally I'll pick up a spot or two of poison ivy, not really even a rash.  This time however, one of the things I'm tackling head on is the poison ivy.  What does poison ivy look like?  This meme appeared on my Facebook page recently:
It seems I have this proposed "TP" substitute on about a third of my trees.  I've been chopping sections out of the vines at the bottom hoping to kill it all over time.  I'm trying to use rakes and shovels so I don't handle the vines at all but apparently it only has to brush you to transfer the oil.  I've been washing my hands up to my elbows after every work session.  Of course, the first little bit of rash started just above my wash line.  So what does a poison ivy rash look like?
It's not too bad but yes, it itches.  It usually takes a week or so to run it's course.  I'm sure I have at least the better part of a week to go, arrrrg!

Anyway, here's what my side and back property lines look like now.
East Property Line between the houses.

Rear Property Line
I still need to hit them both with the mower and spread some shade tolerant grass seed but at least all the trash and building materials are gone.  I found enough joist hangers to build a new deck.

That's all for now, at least until I find something more interesting to write about!

Take care and stay safe!


Thursday, April 2, 2020

And What Are You Doing To Pass The Time?

So the home we purchased in Western North Carolina is on an acre and a third of land, about one third is trees and brush, then there is the house footprint and two substantial asphalt driveways. The front yard is pretty much unusable due to the size, layout and slope. That leaves me roughly one-half acres to play with in the back yard. After my postage stamp lots in Southern California, a half acre seems like a full soccer pitch. If it were all flat I'd probably have a soccer pitch.

Trying to be the responsible family, we are doing our best to stay sequestered in our home, or at least on our property, with the exception being outings to the grocery store, and those as few as possible. I have my shop downstairs and I've frequently confessed to completing projects, not because of any particular need, but just because I like working on projects. It remains to be seen whether what follows falls into that category or if I've actually created something that we will use as a family to keep us occupied and sane for the foreseeable future.

This is what I've done with our little slice of God's half acre!

First, if you've kept up with some of my previous posts these next couple of recreational stations will not be new to you. Sometime back I created an archery station and backstop for Maureen's birthday and Mother's day one year. Archery is something Maureen expressed interest in and I even took her for a lesson, but as of this writing I'm the only one that has used our archery setup.

You can also see in the picture above my golf tee box, sans golf mat. Well my golf practice venue has expanded considerably.

From near to far I have a chipping net, a PRGR Launch Monitor (the least expensive I could find with good reviews), real golf balls to hit into the net away from the house and foam golf balls I can hit to the house, a Balight Golf Swing Trainer Aid (Orange Whip knockoff) leaning against the tree on the left, and of course my golf mat and target net. 

Has all this helped my golf game? The jury is still out on that because I can't get out to the golf course but I think I'm hitting the ball much better.

My next project is shown is shown in the picture above. I don't have access to racquetball or bowling anymore but Pickleball is all the rage with the senior crowd around here. Don't know what Pickleball is? Neither did I until a few weeks ago, now I have a Pickleball court, net, and accessories right here.

Click on this link to see some Pickleball action!

The last readymade outdoor activity we have is target shooting. I have a nice Italian pellet rifle, a .22lr, and a hill for a natural backstop behind the house. We can shoot right off the back porch. Yes, in Western North Carolina it's legal to shoot firearms in a residential area. The only restriction, I checked, is you have to notify neighbors within 300 feet of your property. And that has nothing to do with firearms per se'. That's from a noise ordinance.  

Bonus points for anyone who can identify the rifle I'm shooting, except for Dave Dyer who knows everything about firearms and Uncle John, who I'm pretty sure owns one (that's a hint).  Those two lose points if they don't know!

Also, Maureen has her gardening. Liam and I have put together a couple of raised planters and Maureen has been weeding and preparing everything for her spring crops.

That's pretty much our outdoor activities available. When the weather is not cooperating, Maureen is partial to a canasta type card game called "Hoof-in-Mouth" or "Hand-and-Foot" or something as ridiculous. 
My Living Room Poker Setup
I have my on-line poker. I'm playing with two groups now, the Blue Ridge Bluffers and the OLLI SIG (Special Interest Group), sometimes at the same time. If anyone is interested I can get you into the SIG group, no problem.

Liam has his own PS4 setup and is equally occupied. And of course I have my drawing and wood shop if I'm so moved. 

And last, for your entertainment, I have a picture and short video of Maureen's first attempt at giving me a hair cut. This social distancing motivated me to purchase a hair cut kit. Maureen didn't do too bad, I may never pay for another hair cut again!  Haircut video

So back to my original speculation, are these projects activities we will use?  Or am I creating all of this just to have projects to do?  Only time will tell, but I have my eye on a reasonably flat area off to the right that would make a nice Bocce Ball court!

Be safe everyone and stay at home!
