Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Thank You For All The Great Birthday Wishes!!! So How Does It Feel To Turn 60?

First I'd like to thank everyone for the texts and FB posts wishing me well on my Birthday!  I cherish all my friends and wish I could visit with more of you more often.

So how does it feel to turn 60?  I wish I had a good answer for everyone.  If I had to choose one thing I've noticed, and this has not been an overnight thing, I'd have to say it's that I don't heal like I used to.  The little nagging injuries that are not really that big of a deal but just don't seem to go away, at least not in a timely manner.

It hasn't been that long ago I was running with teenagers, high schoolers and young adults as a soccer referee.  Something I've been doing for years more than and (I hope) better than many younger than I.  I know I've lost a step or two but I'm still out stepping which is a good thing.  My racquetball career pretty much ended with Covid.  No surprises there.  And to be honest, I'm losing interest in some of the more strenuous activities I've enjoyed in the past.  I'm still walking 18 at the local municipal golf course fairly regularly.  And don't forget I live on the side of a mountain which makes that a bit more challenging.  My local social bowling group is starting to take a few small group trips to the alley. I bowled a 232 yesterday.  And, I'm still cutting my own lawn, about 3/4 of an acre with a push mower.

So how was my birthday?  Maureen always works hard to make sure "Our Day" is what we would like it to be.  Our friends Joe and Marilyn took Maureen and I to the indoor range in Hendersonville for a bit of recreational shooting.  Maureen capped it off with a great dinner and a bit of carrot cake, my favorite.

For those of you still with me, the Packers' Jersey was one of my birthday gifts.  Everyone knows I'm a big Packers fan, but not many of you know why.  And with all the great Packers players over the years there is a reason I wanted the Bart Starr jersey.

I believe it was Christmas, 1967, the Packers were on their way to their second Super Bowl win and I had just turned 7.  My dad wasn't a big sports fan and I don't remember watching any football on TV.  However, when 7 year old "Ricky" (my name growing up, and still to some in my family) opened his presents Christmas day there was a boxed Green Bay Packers uniform set, including shoulder pads and helmet.  And I'm certain that my jersey guessed it, number 15, Bart Starr.  And for no other reason, I'm a Packers fan to this day!
And last, many of you know that I purchased a 2019 Tacoma to replace my 2002 Tacoma.  Maureen has been helping me trick it out and it looks great.  I purchased that truck knowing there was a recall on the fuel pump (the reason I was able to get a deal).  I've been waiting patiently for the replacement part until this week.  I couldn't get any updated information so I started to make a little noise.  And guess what, the squeaky wheel does get the grease.  I got a call today, my part was ordered, will be in tomorrow (Thursday), and my truck is already at the dealer waiting for the repair first thing in the morning.  It really has been a great day all around.  And, I'm still getting a party with many of my friends this coming Saturday!

So how does it feel to turn 60?  To be honest, the difference between how I felt day 364 of my 60th year and how I feel day 1 of my 61st year was completely unremarkable.  But having friends to share the day with and people who love and care for me.....That feels wonderful!

Thanks again for all the great birthday wishes and I hope the same for all of you!!!
