Thursday, April 2, 2020

And What Are You Doing To Pass The Time?

So the home we purchased in Western North Carolina is on an acre and a third of land, about one third is trees and brush, then there is the house footprint and two substantial asphalt driveways. The front yard is pretty much unusable due to the size, layout and slope. That leaves me roughly one-half acres to play with in the back yard. After my postage stamp lots in Southern California, a half acre seems like a full soccer pitch. If it were all flat I'd probably have a soccer pitch.

Trying to be the responsible family, we are doing our best to stay sequestered in our home, or at least on our property, with the exception being outings to the grocery store, and those as few as possible. I have my shop downstairs and I've frequently confessed to completing projects, not because of any particular need, but just because I like working on projects. It remains to be seen whether what follows falls into that category or if I've actually created something that we will use as a family to keep us occupied and sane for the foreseeable future.

This is what I've done with our little slice of God's half acre!

First, if you've kept up with some of my previous posts these next couple of recreational stations will not be new to you. Sometime back I created an archery station and backstop for Maureen's birthday and Mother's day one year. Archery is something Maureen expressed interest in and I even took her for a lesson, but as of this writing I'm the only one that has used our archery setup.

You can also see in the picture above my golf tee box, sans golf mat. Well my golf practice venue has expanded considerably.

From near to far I have a chipping net, a PRGR Launch Monitor (the least expensive I could find with good reviews), real golf balls to hit into the net away from the house and foam golf balls I can hit to the house, a Balight Golf Swing Trainer Aid (Orange Whip knockoff) leaning against the tree on the left, and of course my golf mat and target net. 

Has all this helped my golf game? The jury is still out on that because I can't get out to the golf course but I think I'm hitting the ball much better.

My next project is shown is shown in the picture above. I don't have access to racquetball or bowling anymore but Pickleball is all the rage with the senior crowd around here. Don't know what Pickleball is? Neither did I until a few weeks ago, now I have a Pickleball court, net, and accessories right here.

Click on this link to see some Pickleball action!

The last readymade outdoor activity we have is target shooting. I have a nice Italian pellet rifle, a .22lr, and a hill for a natural backstop behind the house. We can shoot right off the back porch. Yes, in Western North Carolina it's legal to shoot firearms in a residential area. The only restriction, I checked, is you have to notify neighbors within 300 feet of your property. And that has nothing to do with firearms per se'. That's from a noise ordinance.  

Bonus points for anyone who can identify the rifle I'm shooting, except for Dave Dyer who knows everything about firearms and Uncle John, who I'm pretty sure owns one (that's a hint).  Those two lose points if they don't know!

Also, Maureen has her gardening. Liam and I have put together a couple of raised planters and Maureen has been weeding and preparing everything for her spring crops.

That's pretty much our outdoor activities available. When the weather is not cooperating, Maureen is partial to a canasta type card game called "Hoof-in-Mouth" or "Hand-and-Foot" or something as ridiculous. 
My Living Room Poker Setup
I have my on-line poker. I'm playing with two groups now, the Blue Ridge Bluffers and the OLLI SIG (Special Interest Group), sometimes at the same time. If anyone is interested I can get you into the SIG group, no problem.

Liam has his own PS4 setup and is equally occupied. And of course I have my drawing and wood shop if I'm so moved. 

And last, for your entertainment, I have a picture and short video of Maureen's first attempt at giving me a hair cut. This social distancing motivated me to purchase a hair cut kit. Maureen didn't do too bad, I may never pay for another hair cut again!  Haircut video

So back to my original speculation, are these projects activities we will use?  Or am I creating all of this just to have projects to do?  Only time will tell, but I have my eye on a reasonably flat area off to the right that would make a nice Bocce Ball court!

Be safe everyone and stay at home!
